
Of Real Estate Investing, Financial Freedom and . . . Beyonce?
Welcome to a world in which to thrive, being a hardworking, loyal employee is no longer enough. In fact, it

When is the right time for buying real estate in a transitioning neighborhood?
Buying distressed properties is not the only way to invest. It is how many people start and continue. You can

Covid -19 Resilience Estimates
Community Resilience Estimates – Interesting data from the US Statistic Bureau Community resilience is the capacity of individuals and households

The Good, Bad and the Ugly, a Fast Rental Market Assessment Tool
Experts believe that the long-term outlook for the rental market is bright. However, the level of immediate disruption in the

The Five Stages of Facing a Real Estate Crisis
(Adapted from David Kessler’s website Denial Remember way back when people from professional athletes to politicians were outright making

Philly and Lehigh Valley Real Estate Investing and COVID-19
At Around the Block, we are in shut down mode and following the stay at home orders but we have

Lehigh Valley Real Estate Investments – The Next Hottest Destination
Find out why you should invest in Bethlehem,Easton and Allentown PA .real estate

Hottest Investments in Philly- Summer 2018
This Summer Was Hot! Summer 2018 is almost over and Philly continues to be one of the hottest markets for

Our 5 top real estate investments in Philadelphia in the last year
Looking over winning investments from the past year, there are two main parameters to look at: Net ROI – monthly

Why we’re investing in real estate in the Philadelphia area
I’ll start out with full disclosure: I was born and grew up in Philadelphia. I also went to high school